Thursday, January 1, 2015

The Year of Wonder

A lot has been accomplished in 2014. We are so far from where we were at the close of 2013 when we were still picking up the pieces of the accident and building a new life. Over the past year we’ve had some people tell us how good it is to see us “stabilized.” I always find it so odd when someone says that, like we scraped a knee, put a band aid on and are back trucking through life. It’s been such a wild ride, I don’t know if stabilized is something we’ll ever feel. The cycle is more of a “give it all you got, collapse, regroup, and forge forward again,” hoping you’ve gained a little advancement along the way and end up in a better place than where you started.
After going through this pattern many times, I do believe we’ve made progress. Dennis is stronger today than a year ago—and back to doing many things he did pre-accident including driving, overseeing the building of our house, and actively taking part in the kids’ activities spanning everything from swimming, soccer, and even a competitive round of laser tag!
Since this time last year, there have also been many scientific advancements in the paralysis field. From spinal scaffolds, to exoskeletons, and epidural stimulation (check out!)—real advancements today and a cure on the horizon are emerging and we are hopeful that they will quickly move from research to clinical phases so they can begin being accessible to Dennis and others who desperately need access to these breakthroughs in the coming years.
Like it was for so many, 2014 was a sprint start to finish for us. It was a year of do more, chase every lead in search of an answer, put in every effort—twice and then some—to try and gain as much ground as possible in hopes it will pay dividends in the years that follow. That was the right focus for a year of exploration, of laying a base of what the next chapter will be, and helping accelerate advancements where we can. But it’s not a sustainable or smart approach long term.
So for 2015, we will pivot. We are dubbing it “The Year of Wonder.” Wonder in all its forms. We will have more fun, more adventures and take part in the wonders that this life brings. Specifically, it will include a family vacation, moving back into our house, and Dennis starting to race again.
We will also be more focused in our efforts, be laser in where and how we spend our time and make this a breakthrough year, a year of wonder, one where leaps versus baby steps forward are achieved.
For each of you we wish the same in 2015. Much joy, much adventure, and many breakthroughs in your challenges and endeavors.
To a wondrous 2015!

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